American Cocker Spaniel |
アメリカンコッカースパニエル |
4 years old, girl |
Border Collie |
ボーダーコリー |
10 months old, boy |
Standard Poodle |
トイプードル |
11 months old, boy |
Miniature Dachshund |
ミニチュア・ダックスフント |
11 years old, girl |
Standard Poodle |
スタンダードプードル |
10 months old, boy |
Miniature Dachshund |
ミニチュア・ダックスフント |
9 years old, boy |
Cairn Terrier |
ケアーン・テリア |
8 years old, girl |
Miniature Dachshund |
ミニチュア・ダックスフント |
9 years old, girl |
The dog yard was sparsely populated this morning. None of the regular big guys showed up.
Anri stayed as ladylike as ever except when she was trying to break up the scuffle between Jaime and Nacho.
Kanta, a tiny toy poodle, came to the dog yard for the first time. This little fellow needed no getting-used-to. The minute he arrived, he was at home and ready to run about. He's not afraid of people or other dogs. Kanta is an instant friend to everyone. He's so energetic that you never see him stay put. He's always on the go, having fun.
Finally a family of Miniature Dachshunds stopped by. The moter and her daughter look exactly alike. They pretty much stayed to themselves.
Terry was on the other side of the fence, looking in.
Photographed with Pentax K-m (Digital SLR Camera :10.20 Megapixels )
DA L 18-55mmF3.5-5.6AL, DA 55-300mm F4-5.8ED |